... while Dave did another coat on the cladding that was in place ...
... and turned the kitchen into his new paint shop and varnished the reveals on the ranch sliders before they were installed.
It was on the Tuesday that the third Great Paint Disaster struck when strange things started happening when the second coat was applied to some of the sheets that were still to be put up ...
... and some of the sheets that were already up. There were various theories as to the cause - new sheets that hadn't been allowed to 'flash out', old sheets that hadn't been allowed to 'flash out', too cold, too hot in the sun - but at the end of the day it left us with rather a mottley set of walls.
Anyway the builders pressed on and were all ready for the glazers ...
... who came in the rain early one morning and had finished before the clouds disappeared and the sun came out again.
And Gordy the sparky came and, after a whole morning discussing what we wanted, little black boxes started sprouting all over the house.
And then we got a front door, that doesn't open yet ...
... and a laundry door, that does.
And finally, all the windows were secured. During this task, it was noticed that one of the stickers on the windows had mistakenly been applied to the inside of one of the double glazed units - bummer!.
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