Sunday, April 18, 2010

12th - 18th April 2010

Time for a bit of rest and relaxation for the builders and for Dave. Neil was off for a week's hunting but had left the main part of the roof ready for the roofer. I think he suspected the roofer may not turn up and that is in fact what happened until Wednesday. On Wednesday, though he came and did a lot of preparation...

... and on Thursday the iron came but the roofer did not. Probably too windy - as was Friday.

Dave turned his attentions to the pukekos. They had been very much in evidence recently and had clearly checked out the inside of the house a few times as well as sampling bits and pieces in the veggie patch. The internet suggested the only known repellent was to hang up a dead friend and by chance, the next morning, Dave found a suitable candidate by the side of the road. Very surreptitiously he managed to get it to the car and then the section and hung it up for all to see.

He was so pleased with his conquest, we both hurried back on the Wednesday morning only to find it had been interpreted as a party sign, and seven of its former mates had arrived already.

So its back to the drawing board as far as the pukekos are concerned and fingers crossed for a bit more action on the house next week.

Friday, April 9, 2010

5th - 11th April 2010

Easter came and went and the builder hardly seemed to notice. He pressed on as he was wanting to take a break next week. The fascia boards went up and were handed over to Dave for painting ...

... while the builders turned their attention to the garage. Very much a case of 'if you snooze you loose' as it seemed to miraculously appear between the time Dave left at 3pm on the Tuesday...

... and when we arrived at 8.15 on the Wednesday. Most impressive!

We had plenty to do and it took us about 5 hours to get 2 coats of a beautiful delicate green on to the fascia board that was up on about half the perimeter of the house. It may look sunny but there was a bitterly cold gusty southerly that came and went during the day.

The builders pressed on and put up the beams to make the 'breezeway', which we have now renamed the 'wind tunnel' as it has been suggested that that's what it will turn out to be. We shall see.

Thursday and up go the trusses over the wind tunnel so that the main part of the house is ready for the roof. Hopefully that will go on next week while the builders are away having a well earned break.

And Dave at last sorted out his vacuum system pipes (he had been sold the wrong size) and installed them before the roof appeared.
It was also clear we had had a visit from the local family of pukekos.

Friday and one last task for the builders, to get the flitch beam in position over the garage door. Could be a bit heavy...

... but with some supports to help and two big strong men and Dave ...

... it popped up no trouble (I think)

Just needs a bit of pressure to straighten it out.

The builders then left for a week's holiday and Dave was left with the next bit of fascia boards to paint. Awesome weather for it!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

29th March - 4th April 2010

The builders are still working incredibly hard and the amount of wood is growing by the day. Lots of extra wood and bracing appeared in the gable ends ...

... and everywhere else.

Wednesday, and the purlins start to appear

and we amused ourselves trying to photograph the occupant of this compost heap. There was a hole both sides but, despite my best efforts, a small mouse or vole lay low for ages and then escaped across my foot while I was looking the other way.

And it was a shock to discover that all the kowhais that had looked so healthy a few weeks ago, were now looking very bare or close to death, thanks we discovered to this very well camouflaged fellow and his numerous siblings.

Tricky decisions were also going on in the background - we ordered the tiles for the bathrooms, we received a quote for all the bathroom bits and pieces and we started to design the kitchen. No-one else seems to like the idea of a cupboard you enter by crawling under the kitchen bench, but its seems good to us!

And the gorse continued to be moved from its original home in the 'lawn' to a waste pile - at the rate of about 3 wheelbarrow loads each day this week as Dave was not required for work on the house.

Good Friday - a rest day for some but not for Neil the builder or for us. The roof was progressing and nearly ready for the fascia boards...

... which were cut and ready to go but needed to be primed along all the cut edges.