... and everywhere else.
Wednesday, and the purlins start to appear
and we amused ourselves trying to photograph the occupant of this compost heap. There was a hole both sides but, despite my best efforts, a small mouse or vole lay low for ages and then escaped across my foot while I was looking the other way.
And it was a shock to discover that all the kowhais that had looked so healthy a few weeks ago, were now looking very bare or close to death, thanks we discovered to this very well camouflaged fellow and his numerous siblings.
Tricky decisions were also going on in the background - we ordered the tiles for the bathrooms, we received a quote for all the bathroom bits and pieces and we started to design the kitchen. No-one else seems to like the idea of a cupboard you enter by crawling under the kitchen bench, but its seems good to us!
And the gorse continued to be moved from its original home in the 'lawn' to a waste pile - at the rate of about 3 wheelbarrow loads each day this week as Dave was not required for work on the house.
Good Friday - a rest day for some but not for Neil the builder or for us. The roof was progressing and nearly ready for the fascia boards...
... which were cut and ready to go but needed to be primed along all the cut edges.
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