The sparky came back and trimmed some excess from our power cable and attached an earth connection to our slab reinforcing (new regulation that came into force after the slab was laid). This connection was made to some exposed reinforcing iron in the bathroom shower base and was done just in the nick of time because the then tiler turned up...
to concrete the two shower bases ...
We gained the necessary for the television ...
And the concrete man came back to try and find a solution for the floor treatment. At last they found a couple of options that both Dave and I liked ...
Oh yes and the builder and his mate were still going strong with the rondo supports in the ceiling, the loft access and lots of extra woodwork in the walls and ceilings for light fittings, towel rails and all sorts of other accessories ...
... a new cupboard in the laundry for all our fruit and veggies - so it will obviously need to be huge ...
... and the pantry in the kitchen which also needs to be huge to hold my chocolate supplies.
This was all in preparation for .....
the arrival of the gib board and the insulation which will be next week's job.
And while they went off to enjoy the weekend, we were left the task of turning the mess that was everywhere ....
And before this started, we took the opportunity of photographing all the studwork (and I mean ALL the studwork, each from several different angles) so we would remember exactly (and I mean EXACTLY) what was where. Goodness, I thought I was over the top meticulous but I realise I am not even in Dave's league when it comes to details!