Fortunately the drainage people surprised Dave with a visit on Monday morning and installed a surprise soakpit. Lucky he was there to tell them where to put it.
Lots of concrete bits ...
and pebbly bits ...
and at the end of the day just a few less brambles and gorse.
The floor slab was still being ponded but the week was up and so Dave started to take away the boxing.
and then clean the treated wood up so it could be used for the dwangs.
This was piled neatly next to the 200 studs that are all cut and ready to go.
And then there was the important matter of the unveiling of the letterbox by none other than the artist herself.
The lack of a builder also meant that Dave had time to spend in the garden and lots of exciting things happened ...
to some more brambles
and in the veggie patch. He had planted some (very late) potatoes and yay, now we could see them.
We also removed some more kikuyu grass and plants lots of seeds to help the soil - some green manure crops and LOTS of blue lupins. We also planted some much divided lemongrass from a plant at our old house, most of which were still almost alive, and some zucchinis - a bit late for them too but hopefully they will cover the ground and stop the weeds.
All good progress and our new section is looking really good now, except for Dave's mess that had been growing almost unnoticed till now. It is very reminiscent of the backyard of our old neighbour Keith and is very Not Good. Hopefully it is on next week's To Do list.
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