Wednesday, St Patrick's Day, was the 'show day', when the frames started to be erected. The first four were in place when we arrived at 8am ...
... and they popped up all day. Don't be fooled by the blue skies, there was a bitterly cold southerly which was strong and gusty and made the whole process more exciting.
Yay, we have a front door.
The last one, and luckily it fitted just perfectly.
So, by 5pm the whole house was standing, save for a few minor details inside. Yay, how amazing and how exciting. The whole house is going to be stunning and the views from all the rooms are just amazing. Even the rooms on the darker, cooler southerly side will be lovely. If only the rest of the progress could be so rapid!
And, between holding up frames, Dave created a bog! This is to kill off the excess kikuyu grass and submerging it is about the only way to get rid of it. This time we have provided a walkway out for any hedgehogs who decide to take a dip.
And go the potatoes and blue lupins!
Friday - not much progress on the face of it but a lot had been going on. The bottom plate had been bolted to the concrete floor every 90 cm and lots of cross bracing (both temporary and permanent) had appeared.
And there was also the promise of more with the arrival of rather a lot of rather large roof trusses.
But all the drilling had produced concrete and metal dust which had to be removed before the forecast rain arrived. This was or course a good opportunity to sneak back to the house for another look!
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