Monday - there was a bit more bracing, most of it temporary we hope.
And the extra bits were added to the kitchen window frame.
As Dave was not let loose on any of the clever stuff going on in the house, he had to content himself with uprooting some more gorse and giving his treasured potatoes some more tender loving care (and super phosphate). They certainly seem to be growing well.
Tuesday - and the upward bit started in earnest. In fact there was a bit of a false start as the roof trusses to go over the lounge were the wrong size...
... so instead they had to start with the centre part of the roof.
Wednesday - and the upward continued.
We got rather a shock when we drove up the road to our new section as previously it had been invisible from the road, even when you reached the gate. But today you could see the roof trusses when you turned a corner in the road about 0.5 km from our drive. What a pity!
A rather distorted view with our new camera with a huge zoom, but it does give the idea.
The action had to stop for a while in the afternoon when the most horrendous storm arrived and even our hardy builders had to admit defeat and seek shelter.
Thursday - a lovely sunny day again and the replacement trusses had arrived so the roof over the lounge could be erected.
There was a massive beam across the room, hopefully strong enough to hold the weight of all the crossways trusses.
But major excitement was also going on else where, as a second bog appeared,thanks to Dave ...
... and a digger surprisingly appeared to clear the land in the gully at the end of our section and replace the existing broken down and rusty fence with some new deer fencing. This land is part of a very large section and has in recent times been used as a lion safari park and a go-kart track. It all looks a bit dramatic and we are not quite sure what is going to be contained inside the new fence, but hopefully it will be deer! We must investigate. Our land is to the right of the cleared area, which was mainly blackberry.
Our bore just inside our boundary (we think), hopefully it will not be disturbed.
Looking the other way, and our land is to the left of the cleared area.
But there are some rather nice old native trees in the gully and we hope they will remain.