We started with the new cherry trees - I had found these on special on at an online nursery and it took several days to plant them along the length of the drive. There were 20 of mixed varieties so they should flower over a long period. Having got them all safely planted, the rain arrived and several of them spent their first few weeks in standing water, which probably wasn't the best start for them.
We were given some agapanthus plants which we planted along the drive at a particularly steep part of the bank where we would not be able to mow.
And I thought it would be nice to have some bulbs along the drive and the same online nursery then had a special on spring bulbs for naturalising. It said a banana box and I had previously bought 300 bulbs that came in a box about that size so I thought it would be ideal. But when it arrived, I was both delighted and horrified to discover it contained over 1,300 bulbs which all had to be planted. Fortunately Dave helped, along with Paul on a brief visit, and we managed to get them planted in about 4 days.
We also extended the bed of soft fruit with some very small blueberry cuttings and a row of Chilean guavas that had been looking for a home since the beginning of summer. No need to water them in either.
And we replanted the flax border around the back 4 sides of the veggie patch.
We had ordered a new ranchslider to block off one end of the breezeway as, in a southerly, the wind and rain seemed to blow through it from both directions - yes, everyone had told us it should be called a 'Wind tunnel' instead of a 'Breezeway'! Fortunately both the window and Neil the builder turned up before the start of winter. Neil was assuming Dave would help but Dave was not so sure as it was rather a large window with nothing easy to hold onto but they did manage it to get it into place ....
... and it blended in very well. Time will tell if it does the job.
And then it turned wet and we had to concentrate on inside jobs. At last, the material for the living room curtains arrived - this had been ordered last October and finally arrived in May, after a false start in February when some rolls the wrong colour had turned up. For some reason, I got 2 enormous rolls supposedly containing 56 metres although the lighter of the two seemed to have about 30 metres on it and I got a discount for having to wait so long! All good but rather a lot of curtains to make. Its a bit difficult to get the correct colour in a photo, its probably somewhere between the two.
Once the wet weather started, we made some big improvements indoors. The shelves in the living room were not quite right as they came too close to the fire. So, having said we would never dismantle the corner unit as it had been so difficult to get into place, we moved it out again and removed the end section...
... and converted it into an extra set of shelves for the dining room area - using the set of uprights that had been made the wrong size for the other shelves in the dining room. Yay, surely now we'll be able to keep the area tidy although I wouldn't bank on it!
And at last I got my recipe holder - a bit Heath-Robinson one might say, but a multi-purpose wall-mounted ...
... or freestanding stand that fits my largest cookbook just perfectly.
Dave also finished off the filling and varnishing of all the internal architraves and skirting boards, which was a great job done.
The supply of veggies just about dried up from the veggie patch by the end of the month - there was still some silverbeet, carrots and leeks and the end of the broccoli but we had 130 portions of sweetcorn and three boxes of broad beans in the freezer to tide us over until the new beds started producing.
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