We also heard that Charlie was almost ready to come and do the drive and so we had a wee bit of preparation to do. As well as the drive, he is going to flatten off a bit of the slope for us to use for a glasshouse / grow tunnel. After long discussions over its exact location, we prepared our chosen site.
It was also time for the chooks to move on again - 'just move them before feeding and they'll just follow you along' was the theory ...
... and it did sort of work.
The original veggie bed was growing amazingly well ...
... and soon we had another one planted out on the recently vacated chook dome site.
And the sunflowers in the family competition were growing well - especially Alice's, probably because of the rescue remedy she sneakily gave them when she planted them.
And never one to be idle, Dave set off on the next trench for the irrigation pipe ...
... which in places was so hard that it needed to be chipped out, even though it was just sand.
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