... and he and his friends and their toys turned up bright and early on another sunny day. There was a frenzy of activity until an emergency occurred elsewhere and all but one of them disappeared.
Still the remaining man lowered the soil level around the west end of the house and dug out a terrace for the grow tunnel and produced a large pile of rather sandy topsoil.
Next day, they were all back in action ...
... and we gained a smart new drive. I was a bit disappointed at first as it was so blue that it looked like tarmac but, when it dried out, it looked much better. It was certainly much smoother than before and at last we can drive into the garage.
There were a couple of days left before our Xmas holidays so Dave was very busy setting up automatic timers on the hoses and planting everything that needed to be planted, including our new soft fruit bushes and canes.
And he also covered the new terrace to prevent it washing away.
And finally we tidied up the veggie patch which was looking very prolific:
The first bed:
Bed 2:
Bed 3 : newly planted out in sweetcorn
Bed 4: also newly planted out with another mix of veggies
Bed 5: providing a nursery for a few plant cuttings and seedlings I acquired from various places and a spot for the compost heap
Bed 6: the new site of the chook dome
And Alice was still ahead in the sunflower competition though there's plenty of growth still to come we hope.