... it was into the veggie patch and out the other side, with just a wee side shoot for a tap.
Inside, things were getting slightly more civilised with a clock and a newly acquired picture from Grandad on the wall but took a step back when Joanna kindly decided to leave all the contents of her flat with us while she went on her next travels.
We also gained some curtains in our bedroom. Although I had chosen and bought material for three rooms, somehow I could only make this one set of curtains as some of the material had to be ordered, I had ordered two of the rails the wrong size and got the wrong sized fixings.
Anyway, we used these to test out our prototype hidden pelmets. Hmmm, they have possibilities but are not quite right yet.
The highlight of the week was when our hyperactive, never-likely-to-have-the-concentration-to-catch-anything cat, Little Black, came home one evening with a rather large rat in her mouth. Unfortunately she had forgotten to kill it and it ran under the settee and then under the television. Dave managed to get it into the wood basket but it wasn't too keen and started leaping out of that and escaped to the other end of the lounge where it sat and eyeballed our other cat, the big hunter Little Grey. In the end it ran close enough to the ranch slider that we could let it back out into the garden. Go Little Black!!
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