It was just as well we had spent our weekend painting as the kitchen arrived as promised at 7:30am on Monday morning. There seemed to be quite a lot of it (as there were bits for the laundry and garage too) and it seemed quite brown!!!
The men set to work installing it with the help of their nifty little leveller ...
... and then it was a bit like a jigsaw puzzle.
Then the bench top arrived which blended in with the walls and the units quite nicely but unfortunately one half of the bench had been damaged in transit and the other half was missing a bit of the edging. So now you see them ...
... and now you dont. Still the rest of the kitchen looked rather fine if a bit caramelly.
Once the kitchen was in place, the gibstoppers moved back to the living room to sand it down ...
... and tidy it up ready for us to paint. Which was a mixed blessing as it meant things were progressing nicely but meant we had an awful lot to paint.
Meanwhile, Dave had been busying himself in the two bathrooms and they looked rather smart in their new 'half dutch white' coat.
Wednesday and the benchtops came back again but just as the second one was being positioned for the last time, it got knocked and had to go back again to be repaired. Still half a bench was progress.
We started to attack the living room at this point and started with the sealer coat for the walls, which was a fairly gently introduction to ...
... the assault on the ceiling. Combined with the kitchen, it was a total of about 83 sq m which is pretty neck-breaking stuff. By Sunday afternoon, we had completed the sealer and the first top coat on the walls and ceiling and really felt we had done enough for a mallowpuff (or an extra bit of date cake to be precise).
Not that we were counting, but at this point we calculated that we had completed over 670 sq m or about 30% of the total painting to be done.
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