The builders pressed on with the battens and by the end of the week we had rather a lot of stripes - everywhere ...
... even in the breezeway altho they ran out nine short of a full house load.
Oh yes, and the bath gained a frame ...
... and we gained a friendly dalek which will hopefully provide us with plenty of hot water.
Dave had been entrusted to fill in the hole into the roofspace above the breezeway to keep out allcomers, which he did
And another consignment of gibboard arrived - which the builders estimated as 5 tonnes and they should know as they carried them all from the truck into the lounge, a task that took them most of the morning before morning tea. Some of the sheets were enormous - 6m long by 1.35 metres - which are to be mounted horizontally with two sheets to fit our 2.7 m stud. They reckoned this was a similar amount to the first delivery of gibboard which was used for the ceilings and for bracing, making 10 tonnes in all. Its lucky we have a thick slab.
And Dave made the most of the fine weather by giving the cladding where the pergola is to be built a third and final coat of stain ...
... planting the rest of the feijoas ...
... and digging more holes for fruit trees that could arrive any time now.
And then of course some more of the dreaded battens arrived for his attention.
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