The concrete truck cometh.
Lots of action ...
and some very skilled work.
With a little help from a laser ...
and other machinery ...
it all turned into a rather fine flat floor.
which had to be prevented from drying out too quickly. So the task of the moment was dam building so the floor could be kept covered with a centimetre or so of water.
Moving day! Dave was allowed a day off to move from our lovely old home of 22years to a small rental house near our new section. It was all so hectic though that there was no time to be sad or nostalgic. It also meant that from now on Dave would be able to report for duties at 7am rather than 8am.
Dave's time was split between ponding the garage floor ...
and redistributing the sand on the house site. Still about one third to go and two enormous piles of sand to shift.
Up the other end of the house, Neil had been making great progress.
but then the weather turned very wet and though Neil pressed on regardless for most of the morning, even he was forced to take a ten minute breather at the height of the downpour.
This was all good for the garage though.
The first part of the house site was now ready to be covered and it was a big relief to get this done before any more sand blew away. It has thicker polystyrene sheets at the front for better insulation as the concrete floor is to be left exposed to absorb the heat from the sun.
Dave continued to soak the garage ...
and was greatly relieved to discover that Neil had to stop early, which gave him time to erect our new post box - given to us by the neighbours and with a temporary number while we await the artwork commissioned from niece Katie.
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