We had missed our weekly visit for the past two weeks but that did not mean no progress was taking place. We arrived up at our new section a day early this week, just in time to check out....
the new drive. We werent sure when we arrived, it looked a bit straighter than we had expected.

but as we walked up it, it looked rather nice.

And action was certainly the word of the day, as Mark on the digger ...

and the compacter...

had the help of two trucks and their drivers and no sooner had he prepared one stretch, the next load of road metal from the local quarry arrived.

And the next truck arrived almost before he had spread it, just to keep the pressure on. At one stage, the three of them were all working at once, in their various toys.

And then there was the job of redistributing all the soil that had been scraped off, which had formed two enormous piles but was put to use modifying a steep slope.

And at the end of the day it looked rather good. Just a bit more topsoil to rearrange and a final roll for the drive required tomorrow.

The local birds seemed to relish this work and we had plovers, herons and skylarks popping in for lunch. And although it has been unseasonably cold recently, this was not snow but rain on a patch of flowering grasses.

And we have at last submitted the plans to the local council and we think we have found a builder. So yays all round.