Another lovely day on our new section, I cant believe our good luck with the weather on our weekly visits. Although this last week we had had a sneaky extra visit at the weekend as we have so many trees to plant and so little time.
Today our plans changed as the bore man rang at the last moment, wanting to come dig a hole for a sand trap. So instead of Dave having to dig another 20 holes for trees, we got our muscle power from 2 pros and could only wonder at their skill - they dug an 8m deep hole by hand with an auger. Most impressive but unfortunately unsuccessful in finding any water.

Still they deposited some of the water they had brought to finish the job in our pond, so we did gain something from their work!

We then finished planting the gums on the southern boundary.

And bought some more compost.

And mowed a lot of grass to provide mulch for the next lot of trees.

And we measured out where we wanted the native trees to go.

And enjoyed another wonderful sunset.

So now we have the trees, we have the compost, we have the mulch, we have the planting plan and we have some visitors coming this weekend who I'm sure would like to plant some trees .... but rain is forecast....